Cornea Clinic

At RCM Eye Hospital, our team is equipped to diagnose and manage a range of corneal conditions, providing personalized treatment for each patient.

Best Eye Hospital for Cornea Treatments

What Is Cornea Clinic

The cornea, a transparent structure covering the iris, pupil, and anterior segment of the eye, plays a crucial role in vision. Its primary function is to refract or bend light, facilitating the focusing of the majority of light entering the eye. Composed of proteins and cells, the cornea is unique in that it lacks blood vessels. This absence of blood vessels is essential for maintaining the cornea's transparency, allowing uninterrupted passage of light.

Various corneal issues can impact vision and eye health. These include corneal inflammations, dry eyes, ocular infections, corneal foreign bodies, and pterygium. Addressing these concerns requires specialized care to ensure the optimal functioning of the cornea and preserve overall eye health. At RCM Eye Hospital, our team is equipped to diagnose and manage a range of corneal conditions, providing personalized treatment for each patient.

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